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The Mentor works with the student to help him or her to fulfill the course requirements, but will not do any of the student’s work for him or her.

When a student is enrolled in an online course, the local Online Learning Coordinator (OLC) will assign a Mentor to that student.

The Mentor will be notified by the local Online Learning Coordinator that a new student has been enrolled.

The Mentor will contact that student immediately to arrange for a mutually convenient time, format (phone, email, or face to face) and schedule for regular contact.

Mentors will be in contact with students at least once per week. This is a time to review the student’s progress and work schedule and discuss/initiate strategies for effectiveness. The Mentor will also answer logistical questions, tutor the student if possible or assist with appropriate learning resources as is necessary and provide encouragement.

Mentors will log into the Course and become familiar with the navigation of the course and the course requirements.

In their initial meeting, the Mentor and Student will visit the course calendar and the syllabus to establish a workable schedule for completion of the course requirements. Mentors will also review the six week assignment requirements with the student. Mentors will arrange with their LEA to provide any additional course supplies to the student, i.e. books, binders, handouts, etc.

The Mentor will track the student’s progress regularly by:

The Mentor will visit the student grade book and corrected assignments, teacher comments with the student weekly.